Why I created this Blog

Hello readers, You might be asking why I created as blog, This isn’t going to be your standard blog where it get’s updated weekly or daily, its a blog basically to provide updates on matters such as thoughts, opinions and to also show a more personal side of me. While majority of them will be focus around photography. There might be the odd one or two where its completely off topic.

I want you the reader to indicate what you content you enjoy reading the most, Wither is its just the photography blogs i do, the more Personal things i share. There are a few ways of doing this, sharing the blog on your socials, leaving a comments, or just simply reading the blog when you have moment.

The length of these blogs post will depend on what the topic is and how i am feeling when typing these up, for you to read. I wont stick to a particular length because knowing me I wont stick to it.

I hope you stick around for a while and enjoy reading these blogs / blogs i published when i have a spare moment or two to sit down and type one up for you all.


The state of stuartmackaphotography